Our Toy Library Committee is made up of volunteers and members just like you!
Our committee is a group of friendly, welcoming parents who assist in making sure that our Toy Library runs smoothly. The Committee meet every two months, where the running of the toy library is discussed. Other agenda items include upcoming events, toy purchases, social media coverage, upgrading equipment and general toy library chat.
Our committee is comprised of the following positions:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Social Media
- General Committee members
Our coordinator is also in attendance at these meetings.
The committee also attends local events to promote our Toy Library, but the commitment is not large and usually is seasonal, with the requirement of a couple extra hours here and there. Committee members received toy library membership during their time on the committee, as well as one free jumping castle hire per year.
Our Annual General Meeting occurs in August each year and usually occurs at a local restaurant locally. It is a thank-you to our Committee members and Coordinator for their Toy Library work concluding each financial year.
We encourage members of the toy library to join our Committee – please see our Coordinator, Claire, if you are interested!